Our webshop does not support stacking of VIP. This means, that you cannot extend your VIP period. If you plan to buy VIP and have an active VIP already, please contact us when your old VIP expires, so we can reactivate it.If there are any questions, create a ticket on our discord and we will solve it together.
Want to buy VIP or Coins for a friend? Make a ticket on our Discord server here: https://discord.gg/rEpJa3e and ask for a gift card.
If you want to buy VIP+ but already have VIP, you can get a coupon code for the remaining of the VIP period, if you have more than 30 days left on your current VIP. Make a PvE ticket on our Discord for more info.
Fudge Gaming has expences for server hosting, website and various admin tools. You can help us and everyone else who plays on our servers by buying VIP or Coins for the Fudge PvE server HERE.
*You will be able to get 500 Coins every week by typing /claim in the chat. You will be able to get upto 26.000 coins in total (depending on length), if you remember to claim every week.
If you can't wait to get enough Coins, they can be purchased HERE
You don’t need a PayPal account to buy from our webshop. Just click the “Pay with card” option in the PayPal pop-up window.